Wednesday 17 June 2015

project 12

This was my final and only 3ds max project. I created the pokeball from scratch and animated it to roll. this took about 2 weeks.

project 11

While I didn't draw the character himself or the background, I did do the outline and the 'phase in' effect. I found a tutorial and it looked cool and simple. This was fairly easy to do and only took me a week.

project 10

I made this project specifically to train myself on how to use layers more effectively while also forcing myself to deal with multiple elements in the animation. For example: Next piece box spawning in, score going up, lines clearing, level and speed going up, ect. This took me about 2 weeks to piece together frame by frame.

project 9

This is what I had been building up to with the animation practice. A short walk cycle and moving background that I drew and animated in flash. This took a painstaking 2 weeks to complete mostly because the background had to be moved frame by frame. I had alot of trouble with object placement. for instance, you may have noticed that I had to do a quick patchjob on the building as the trashcan passes by. This was because the building was set in front of the trashcan. From this I knew I had to get more practice with utilizing layers in flash and organizing them better.

project 8

A very amateur walk cycle animation I did in flash. This was my first time ever experimenting with the program, and with the tablet I had been using for my past projects I found myself very much enjoying it. This took me about 3 days to 'perfect'

project 7

This is a short pivot animation I created in a day. It's simple and jagged, but I used it as an introduction to animation for my next 4 projects.

project 6

This drawing took me a week to complete and was done in illustrator and photoshop. I took a My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic background and recreated it with the pen tool in illustrator. Then I imported it into photoshop and used the paintbucket tool to fill everything in properly. I wasn't satisfied with my work yet so I also traced out a character using the same 2 methods.